Monday, December 5, 2011

Hey, look at me!

Seems to me, with the election coming up next year, you'd all like some practice voting. And you don't even have to get up out of your seat!

Yep, for the second year in a row, this blog has earned a spot in the American Bar Journal's Fifth annual list of the best 100 blogs about lawyers and the law.

(Sadly, they still refer to those as "blawgs," which is a little reminiscent of the conference-speak I just escaped.)

But still, pretty cool.

So, what does it all mean? Not satisfied with being one of the best 100, I can actually be voted as (one of) the best in a particular category. Yep, Criminal Justice, how did you guess?

Last year I think I was. . . don't remember. But I did well because my faithful readers voted for me and, if you have the time and energy, I'd be grateful if you would do it again this year.

All you have to do is click here. Now, it does ask you to register, but it's very quick and it's so people can't sit there clicking their own blogs to the top. Fair enough, and not that I would, of course. . . !

Go me!


  1. You got my vote. I wanted to cast the very first vote for you but someone beat me to that. So I had to settle for being second.

  2. Why thank you, sir, very kind indeed. :)

  3. I couldn't make up my mind, so I voted for both of you. I'm from Chicago -- it's how we roll.

  4. Then we should be all square - I voted for Jamison, too. (Don't tell him: I'm gonna let him win.)

  5. Voted! Now, this should grant me a signed copy of your book, right??? :D

    (Jokin' -- good luck!!)


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