Thursday, December 8, 2011

Set your DVRs for Discovery (alas, no horse this time)

For those of you who missed the 48 Hours episode about my cold case, or simply can't get enough of me on television, the Discovery Channel is going to air their own show about it next week.

Here's the preview (words, no clip). It's Discovery ID, their Cold Blood series.

And as the title says, no horse, no footie, nor other elaborations for this one. I know, I know, but enjoy it just the same.


  1. Congrats on making the top 100 blogs in the ABA Journal annual survey!

  2. Thanks for the follow! I'm so glad to have you as one of my supporters, and I'm thrilled that you love my blog! So...what part did you play in this cold case?

  3. Thanks George!

    April: I was the lead prosecutor. Tough case to win, but we managed.

  4. Mark,

    I saw the original airing of the program, I thought you did a great job with your comments (knowing from experience they probably included about 1/10 of what you had to say). I was trying a murder case in your old haunt this past week with Judge Lynch and ran into Wade, and by coincidence, we discussed this case a little bit and the hard work of his co-counsel who I hardly say anymore.

    We didn't have much to work with at all in our case, but Gary and Jeoffrey did a great job in presenting their case on behalf of the state.

    We miss your wit in the 167th, hope to see you soon. If I don't see you before, a Merry Christmas to you and your.



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