Friday, February 24, 2012

Inside the jury's mind

Okay, so technically a jury doesn't have a mind, but I wanted to share with you an article I read on titled:

Inside the Jury That Convicted UVA Student George Huguely of Murder

If you're not familiar with the case, the bare facts are: student George Huguely was dating Yeardly Love and ended their conflict-filled relationship by killing her in a drunken rage.

The article includes an interview with one of the jurors who talked about how they arrived at their guilty verdict, which guilty verdict they chose, and how they got to the prison sentence of 26 years. Interesting to me as a prosecutor to see what carries weight in deliberations, and some tips in there for defense lawyers, too.


  1. thanks for the find Mark -- I am UVA grad myself, and watched this case with great interest. off to read.

  2. Thanks for the link - totally something I can't wait to read.


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