Monday, May 28, 2012

Mystery Monday

I used to have a series on here called "Thriller Thursday," and I rather miss the literary component of this blog (Albert Camus aside!).  And with summer about to burn a hole through the middle of the year, at least here in Texas, I thought it might be a good time to recommend a book or two.  Beach reading and all that.

But first, in case you haven't seen this, in a real-life mystery we finally have a case where the butler did it!

Okay, books.

The first is flying up the charts and is getting all kinds of incredible reviews, to the point where my endorsement means virtually nothing.  The book is DEFENDING JACOB by William Landay.  I loved Landay's first two novels, actually, and if possible this one is even better.  Of course, the subject matter is going to appeal to me: the main character is a prosecutor and family man, whose son Jacob is charged with murder.  It's not just a thriller, though, it's a beautifully written book about the most important things in life: love, honor, and doing the right thing.

Next up is  a book I haven't read yet.  Not my fault, it's not been published!   It's by Jennifer Hillier and is called FREAK.  It's the second novel by Hillier, her debut was CREEP which Suspense Magazine called “truly frightening” and chose as one of 2011’s best novels.  Pre-order it like I did and you won't have to wait much longer.

For something a little less hardcore, I'd point you to a really clever, funny, and compelling writer called Carol Carr.  She has two novels out in this series, and the first was just brilliant, so much fun.  As I've previously recommended it, I will suggest the follow-up called INDIA BLACK AND THE WIDOW OF WINDSOR.  I'll be honest here and say I don't love the covers of these books, because I don't think they do the contents justice.  They aren't even close to bodice-ripping romances, rather they are super clever, wonderfully-imagined mysteries.

Some other books I've read recently and loved:

AND THE SEA WILL TELL by Vincent Bugliosi (true crime)

THE SNOWMAN by Jo Nesbo (mystery/thriller)

And one I am buying today:

STORM RISING by Kenneth Hoss



  1. Defending Jacob was incredible. Loved The Snowman and Storm Rising, too. Off to order the others! Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Ooh, thanks for the shout out, Mark! Can't wait to meet you in October. :)

  3. JS: welcome. :)

    JH: Ssshhh... they'll think I'm plugging your book just because we're friends, not cos you're awesome!

  4. I too am eagerly awaiting Freak! And have heard a lot about Defending Jacob!


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