Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Stop picking on the 'tutes!

We have all manner of discrimination in the U.S., based on race, color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation. . . and while you might think we have enough to argue about right there, how about a new target?


Okay, so it's not happening here in America, but check this out: in Australia, a prostitute sued a hotel because they refused to let her rent one of their rooms for work purposes.  She didn't just sue for access to the room, either, but for the equivalent of $30,000.

You see, prostitution is legal in that part of the world.  As the Guardian reports, " discrimination based on lawful sexual activity is outlawed. Prostitutes have been heading to towns such as Moranbah, where they base themselves for short periods to cash in on an Australian mining boom fuelled by Chinese demand for raw materials."

'Raw materials,' is that what we're calling it now?

Smutty jokes aside (don't worry, I'll come back to them) this is a fascinating case.  I can see how someone might sue for not being allowed a room when they are doing something lawful, you know, like having sex.  But here she's essentially forcing the hotel to rent her office space.  And presumably, other guests aren't too happy about her customer base, or perhaps the grunts and groans of business-in-progress.

Be interesting to see if the decision is appealed, after all I assume it being in Australia the original ruling came from a kangaroo court. But what do you think?  Should the poor young lady (or old hag, who knows?) be put out of her legal business because hotel owners and guests disapprove?  I mean, what next?  Hotels banning sex altogether?

Australia.  They're upside down.


  1. A gal's gotta make a living somehow! LOL. I don't know. I'm not even surprised. People seem to sue for everything and anything these days.

  2. Lisa, it seems so, even in Australia - reassuring to know it's not just us here in the U.S.!

  3. The case is interesting, but only in it's divergence from US legal and constitutional principles, sort of a "which one of these is not like the other". However, there is a fundamental mindset in Australia that I find lacking in the US, and a fundamental mindset of DA's that I just find lacking. Calling Australia upside down? Really? Um... Which country do you live in again? Ya know, the country where a plant can get you thrown into jail, where we criminalize everything to the point that it's literally possible for a prosecutor to make virtually any citizen a criminal, thus depriving them of little things like voting rights... hmmm.
    If the lawsuit were based in the United States, and assuming that 'tuting was legal, then it would be a simple issue for a court to boot off its docket. A private business has the right to basically permit or deny the performance of other types of economic activity on their property.

    I have no idea what the law in Australia is, nor, honestly, do I care. (Until the day I retire to Australia- I'm thinking Brisbane, lovely climate, and the beer, ohhhhh the beer is soooo goood). Which, provided we continue to have a judicial system more interested in re-election and keeping their job than actual justice (Yes, I'm talking about you. I've reviewed more than a few of your cases), might come sooner rather than later. The legal system in Australia may be upside down, but from where I'm hanging, that may be a good thing.

  4. CLH: Thanks for the comment, I've heard the same about Brisbane and I'm sure the beer flows like delicious water. But I think you miss the boat on a couple of issues, or maybe you're joking: my reference to Australia being "upside down" is an acknowledgment of its position on the globe, and its nickname, the Land Down Under. Not a political statement.
    And you've reviewed my cases and decided I'm more interested in reelection than justice? I should point out I'm a hired hand, for better or worse, not an elected one so... not sure what you can be meaning.

  5. Hey there! I'm from Australia and there are parts of this country where prostitution is legal and illegal. I live in WA and it's not illegal in this state - but brothels are. Save for Kalgoorlie - the only town where you can (legally) find one.

    I'm not polished up on the ins and outs (pardon the pun!) But I'm pretty sure one eastern state is the same and in the rest, it is illegal.

    Just my two cents!

  6. Thanks for the input, Julz. Prostitutes legal, brothels not, now that makes no sense! Thanks again for your two cents, I'll put it to my research fund on the topic. ;)


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