Friday, July 22, 2011

For my newer readers: the language barrier

For those of you who are relatively new to my blog, I wanted to share a post that got me some national attention. Not for my wit or brilliance, I hasten to add, but because it was funny.


So we don't file many written motions in criminal practice. Really, just a handful of the same one each time (I should post about those sometime).

This means that only important motions get put before the judge. Like this one:

And my response:


  1. I love it! Very funny. Looking forward to your book.

  2. Thanks guys. Lisa, I'll be in your fair city tomorrow, btw. Nice coincidence. :)

  3. A blogger down here in my area (Victoria) posted a link to this the first time you published it. This piece is what got me reading.

    Just as funny the second time around!

  4. Thanks Edith Ann. And I'm so glad you're still with me. :)


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