Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's like a snowball...

Fiction this week, a novel I picked up while on a Michael Connelly kick. This one started out good and then, suddenly, I couldn't put it down. Not that I minded but the family was ignored for a few hours one evening.

Still, my wife is reading it now, so I expect to be washing dishes and cooking solo one night soon.

The book is THE LINCON LAWYER and is selling for a measly five bucks right now!

Publisher's Weekly gave it a starred review and said: "After Connelly spends the book's first half involving the reader in Mickey's complex world, he thrusts his hero in the middle of two high-stakes duels, against the state and his own client, for heart-stopping twists and topflight storytelling."

Edited to add: I just received responses to an interview I did with true crime author Kathryn Casey. I will probably not post a Thriller Thursday next week (Xmas Eve and all) but will run it the following week.


  1. Would you comment on the jury candidate strikes that occur during the Voir dire process: the strike types, number for each side, the circumstances for using a strike.

    Butch Kemper

  2. Do you mean in the book, or the strikes I use in my cases?

    Whichever the answer... yes!


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